

The Coaching services provided by Louisa Russell-Henry within Louisa Wellways are designed to help individuals make progress towards their health and wellness goals. It is not specially tailored to suit any injuries, physical health problems such as injuries or illnesses, mental illnesses or any other problems that could be aggravated with low, moderate or high intensity physical exercise, or by not seeking the appropriate mental health professional. If you are an individual with such problems please seek the help of a GP, or similar health professional.

The materials and content contained on this website or within the coaching services provided by Louisa Russell-Henry, are for general health & wellness improvement recommendations only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Although in depth information and specific programs are given, users of this specific program should not rely exclusively on information provided by Louisa Russell-Henry/’Louisa Wellways’ for their own mental health needs if suffering from mental illness, and coaching with Louisa Russell-Henry should be discussed with their health care professional. All medical questions should be presented to your own health care professional.

‘Louisa Wellways’ is not created to promote poor body image. As the referenced information provided, the entirety of the practices’ recommendations as well as the educational resources provided are clinically proven and referenced, Louisa Russell Henry & ‘Louisa Wellways’ should not be held liable for the interpretation or use of the information provided.

The information provided on the ‘Louisa Wellways’ website, online courses or coaching services provided by Louisa Russell-Henry make no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any opinions, advice, services or other information contained, or referenced to, on this website. ‘Louisa Wellways’ & Louisa Russell-Henry do not assume any risk for your use of this information as such materials or content may not contain the most recent information. It is a guideline which has emerged via a combination of personal experience, government guidelines, and where possible, old & recent scientific literature.

The information and other material available from this website come from a number of sources including the personal experiences of Louisa Russell-Henry, third parties who have given permission for use of their material, and material copied under statutory licenses. Accordingly the information and material on this website are trademarked Louisa Wellways, by Louisa Russell-Henry.

Therefore no part of the services provided may in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other means be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be broadcast, sold or transmitted without the prior permission of the creator, Louisa Russell-Henry - ‘Louisa Wellways’.